Thursday, January 10, 2013

Amer Burdock and Aralia

This fermented drink, bitter type is composed of burdock root ( Arctium lappa ) fresh rhizome aralia bare stem ( Aralia nudicaulis ) and rhizome spikenard ( Aralia racemosa ), two native forest plants. We know that under the wrong names of "sarsaparilla" and "high sarsaparilla" aralies these two were once used to flavor beer and most likely entered into the composition of one of the many variations of the traditional root beer .

4 cups - fresh burdock root - 1 liter
4 cups - rhizome stem aralia naked - 1 liter
4 cups - rhizome spikenard - 1 liter
24 cups or 1.3 gallons - water - 6 liters
1 cup - sugar - 225 g
1 bag - yeast beer *
* Among retailers to make beer or wine

- First clean the roots or rhizomes of the three plants and cut lengthwise, then in half (if the rhizomes are very small, not cut in two).
- Boil everything to simmer in six liters of water until reduced to two liters.
- Leave to cool, filtered and poured into a wide-mouthed container with a capacity of about three liters.
- Add sugar and beer yeast. Close with a cloth or a piece of plastic held by a string or elastic and begins to ferment in a warm and dry place.
- You can taste the drink as soon as the fermentation begins, but it is best to wait three or four days.

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