Sunday, August 5, 2012

Therapeutic Applications of Brainwave Synchronization

Brainwave Synchronization

Until now, little scientific research has evaluated the synchronization of brain waves as a therapeutic tool. Some, however, have attempted to evaluate its ability to counter anxiety or decrease analgesia during surgery.

Reduce anxiety. During 2007, a pilot study has evaluated the effect of synchronization of brain waves in the management of stress and the anxiety . For 60 days, 1 time per day, 8 healthy subjects listened to a soundtrack composed of binaural beats combined with imitating sounds of rain and bells. Of psychological changes positive were observed at the end of the study. A decrease in anxious behavior ( trait anxiety ) was found among participants.This suggests an improvement in the perception and management of stress and anxiety in general.

These results support those published in 2001 by a Montreal clinic evaluating subjects with mild levels of anxiety . The researchers found that the anxiety level of participants before and after the viewing was spent on average 41% to 21%. These results show that the synchronization technique could also be useful in cases of mild anxiety. However, it is impossible to conclude with certainty the effectiveness of therapy, because too few studies have been conducted to date.

Reduce preoperative anxiety and reduce analgésiants. synchronization of brain waves has been the subject of several randomized clinical trials in the context of surgery . In one of them, published in 2007, 20 patients have been listening for 20 to 60 minutes before surgery, a soundtrack composed of binaural beats or the music of their choice . The researchers observed decreases of anxiety preoperatively in the 2 groups, but more significantly in the group with binaural beats.

Four other studies using this technique during surgery were recorded . Both of these indicate that patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia with listening to music and binaural beats require less anesthesia than patients in control group . For cons, the other 2 were not found significant differences between the groups .

Synchronization of brain waves in practice
It is easily found on the market records with music or nature sounds naturally generate wavesalpha conducive to relaxation . There are also, but this is less common records in which we integrated sounds alpha or beta for the specific purpose of inducing a state of relaxation orconcentration . These records because they do not contain binaural beats can be heard without headphones, just released by a stereo. Generally, the program follows a progression to bring the pace brain wave at the desired frequency in 30 or 40 minutes.

This type of product is also available in computerized version for broadcast on the computer while you work (preferably a version for concentration rather than relaxation ...).

Appliances that combine binaural beats sound effects and flashing lights are not as among practitioners or on the Internet. They are known under the general name of audiovisual stimulators or Mind Machines . One device can offer several programs - relaxation, creativity, concentration, etc.. Some massage centers, spas or floating baths offer sessions using these devices. A session usually lasts 30 minutes.

The Monroe Institute and the people who have been trained sessions offer up to 6 days with much more elaborate equipment whose purpose is the development of emotional , mental or spiritual(expansion of consciousness), and improved of health

Note: hypertext links to other sites are not updated continuously. It is possible that a link becomes missing. Then please use the search tools to find the desired information.

Biocybernaut Institute. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
Brain Waves ("40Hz") Research. Neuroscience Consortium , The University of Birmingham.[Accessed 18 January 2010].
Alternative Health Centre. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
nstitute Monroe. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
Monroe Institute Québec. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
Meta Relaxation. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
PubMed, National Library of Medicine. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
Michel Saint-Germain. Machines meditate Guide Resources , Canada, 1992.
Deep Sleep. Midi-Plus Consultants . [Accessed 18 January 2010].
research techniques in functional anatomy: the electroencephalogram. Université Laval .[Accessed 18 January 2010].
1. Meta-Relaxation. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
2. Towards a psycho-civilized society? Collective against abuse due to psycho-technologies (CAPT) . [Accessed 18 January 2010].
3. Monroe Institute website. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
4. Applications for Our Educational Materials, Monroe Institute . [Accessed 18 January 2010]
6. Wahbeh H, Calabrese C, Zwickey H. Binaural beat technology in humans: a pilot study psychology and physiology for Assessment to effects . J Altern Complement Med . 2007, 13 (1) :25-32.
7. The Scouarnec PR, Poirier RM, et al . Use of binaural beat tapes for treatment of anxiety: a pilot study of tape preference and outcomes . Altern Ther Health Med . 2001 Jan, 7 (1) :58-63
8. Drop E, M Allan, Laws D. A pilot study of anxiety reduction by Comparing binaural beat audio and patient-selected music in the pre-operative period . Anaesthesia. 2007, 62 (3): 310.
9. Lewis AK, Osborn IP, Roth R. The effect of Hemispheric synchronization on intraoperative analgesia . Anesth Analg . 2004 Feb, 98 (2) :533-6
10. Kliempt P, Ruta D, et al . falling on Hemispheric-synchronization anesthesia: a double-blind randomized trial using audiotapes for intra-operative nociception control . Anaesthesia . 1999 Aug; 54 (8) :769-73.
11. Padmanabhan R, Hildreth AJ, Laws D. A prospective, randomized, controlled study examining binaural beat audio and pre-operative anxiety in patients Undergoing general anesthesia for day case surgery . Anaesthesia . 2005, 60 (9) :874-7.
12. Dabu-Bondoc S, Drummond-Lewis J, and l. Hemispheric synchronized sounds and intraoperative anesthetic Requirements . Anesth Analg . 2003 Sep; 97 (3) :772-5.

1 comment:

  1. The other method for brain wave therapy is the outpatient method in which we can do whenever we have time in our busy lives. With this you can download sounds that can offer a real alternative method of gaining relaxation and inner peace.

    Ilchi Lee Books
