Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What is Alexander Technique

What is Alexander Technique? The Alexander Technique with various other approaches, is part of somatic education. The plug Somatic Education presents a summary table to compare the main approaches.

Contribute to the relief of symptoms of chronic pain. Improve the quality of life of patients with Parkinson's disease.

Increase breathing capacity. Improve the sense of balance.


According to Frederick Matthias Alexander, the way we use our bodies (what he called "self-use") may contribute to the health or, conversely, harm. However, all human beings have bad habits of posture and breathing - automation - which cause many problems, back pain and headaches, fatigue, respiratory limitation, lack of flexibility, etc.. Obviously, the whole concept is inherent in this theory, where each part is crucial to the whole. As for the reasons to be inadequate habits they follow for much of the sedentary lifestyle and hypermental the contemporary world.

We must face the facts, it is not because it is "natural" it is ideal. Among the current and automation issues include a strong tension in the region head-neck-back. Indeed, in all sorts of circumstances, human beings tend to push back and head - called the startle reflex , the "startle pattern." However, according to Alexander, a dynamic and balanced between the head, neck and back is crucial for the quality of all human movements. He therefore called primary control ( primary control ) this dynamic relationship, the "overall scheme" between the head, neck and spine.

There are also numerous learning of childhood neuromuscular require a great effort and are rarely managed holistically, like writing, that causes children to develop extremely tense postures.

You should know that when tension whatsoever, is not consciously and quickly dispersed, the body adapts to it. Therefore, the Alexander Technique promotes the development of care ( awareness ), that is to say, a sharp sense of postural behaviors and anything that can affect the balance. In this work, we must adopt a mechanism to stop ( inhibition ) that is consciously slow the onset of a habitual action or automatically then replace it with the help of the speaker by another more appropriate.

A technique to unlearn
The Alexander Technique is not a therapy, but a method of somatic education, which may also be called postural reeducation or rehabilitation psychomotor its practitioners are not therapists, but educators dealing with students rather than patients. Technique designed to unlearn some ingrained habits, the process takes time and requires active participation and followed by the student.

If the technique is highly appreciated by the people in the scene, it is open to all, young and old, athletic and sedentary men and women. Its objectives are to improve coordination and balance, reduce muscle tension, relieve pain, reduce fatigue and problems with certain diseases and promote wellness.

Question wellness, according to the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, she would learn how to:

- stand with feet without stiffness;
- move with ease;
- keep in mind both awake and calm;
- be both active and energetic, without excessive tension;
- apply the appropriate effort, more or less, in all our activities.

Sir Stafford Cripps, one of the English nobles who benefited from the technical, made known its discretion in the following terms: "Instead of feeling as an aggregate of parts nested evil, full of friction and dead weight, due to which the mere fact of existence becomes exhausting the body reveals a set of living and coordinated, composed of parts that fit perfectly and articulate.'

An actor without a voice

1890, Australian Frederick Matthias Alexander , then actor, experiencing hoarseness repeated when his benefits, which could put an end to his career. The doctors could not detect any physiological cause, he thought he might be caused himself the problem and initiated - including using mirrors - an intense observation of posture and vocal technique. It took almost ten years to get rid of inappropriate behavior.

People from the scene began to consult for problems that interfered with their work. Soon, doctors began to send customers to problems of various kinds. In 1904, education became his main occupation, and he decided to settle in London called more customers. Among those who consulted throughout the next 50 years, several scientists testified publicly the merits of this approach, including Sir Charles Sherrington, considered the father of modern neurology.

Beginning in 1930, Alexander began to send its technical apprentices, both in Europe and the United States, where he stayed periodically. At 79, he managed to regain control after engine side paralysis caused by a stroke. He taught until his death in 1955, at the age of 86 years.

Three years later, the main London apprentices formed the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT). To date, this association is the main umbrella organization and the main body to manage training programs. There are now more than 2,500 practitioners throughout the world, especially in Europe, North America and Australia, while the technical part of the curriculum of many schools of music and theater. It is generally recognized Matthias Alexander a pioneering role in approaches to body awareness.

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