The brain is certainly an enigmatic territory, but over the last fifty years, science has elucidated some of its mysteries. Today, we not only use pharmaceuticals to intervene in its chemistry, but also various technologies to modify the physical mechanisms. Thus, simply by listening to recordings designed for this purpose or using small devices that emit light signals, like strobes, you can speed up or slow down brain waves or synchronize waves of the right hemisphere with those of the left hemisphere .
The desired effects are varied and not always orthodox scientifically: improve sleep or function immunity , overcoming shyness , learning accelerated, develop creativity , but also achieve the so-called state "not ordinary" consciousness - especially to daydreams or travel outside of the body. Note that non-ordinary does not mean artificial, but it is rather uncommon states - one could say requiring availability not compatible with our usual lifestyle.
Brain waves
In different areas of the brain, nerve runs on consistency and how rhythmic neurons are activated together (more or less) as a pulse , then calm, then activate again. Through small electrodes placed on the scalp and connected to a device called an electroencephalograph (EEG, invented in 1929), the rate of these pulses can be translated into the form of waves .
The intensity of brain activity manifested by the frequency of these waves. They are calculated in hertz (Hz) - a matching hertz ripple per second. If the graph recorded by the EEG is flat, there is no brain activity. As the waves generated by an active brain, they are divided into 4 or 5 bands, whose names come from the Greek:
Delta waves: from 0.5 to 4 Hz, those of deep sleep without dreams.
Theta: April to July Hz, those of deep relaxation , full awakening, suffering particularly by experienced meditators.
Alpha waves: 8 to 13 Hz, those of mild relaxation and quiet wakefulness.
Beta waves: 14 Hz or more, those routine activities . Strangely, the beta brain waves pass during short periods of sleep with dreaming (REM sleep), as if the dream were activities activities "routine".
Sometimes we speak of gamma waves that would fall above 30 or 35 Hz and testify a large brain activity during the process as creative or resolutions of problems . (Do not confuse with the gamma rays emitted by the nuclei of atoms.)
Note moreover that the brain is divided into two hemispheres, and in several areas, each with an important function: language areas of the body sensitivity, emotion, etc.. Regarding the hemispheres, we know they work most often in relative independence, and the left generally dominant, is the seat of logic and rational , while the right is that of creativity .
The brainwave frequency varies according to the type of activities in which we are engaged, but untrained individuals have relatively little control over them. Too much stress , for example, and the nervous system does not accept to relax: the brain waves then continue to remain in the range beta and it is impossible to find the sleep ...
On the other hand, it is argued that the best mental resources for creativity and problem solving would be in the range of theta waves, which, unfortunately, is not accessed easily.
When the brain takes the pace
Several external events can influence the rate of brain waves . Science has discovered that it is generally a resonance effect that is involved, as when a note is played on the piano vibrate in unison a guitar string. The steady beat of drums as well as Gregorian chant or rhythmic physical activities such as walking provide, in the long run this. Now, modern technology can achieve these results in no time.
Indeed, certain types of sound pulses emitted directly into the ears can induce, accelerate or slow wave frequency depending on the desired result. To improve the quality of relaxation and promote sleep, for example, "calls" the brain to slow down the rhythm of the waves, which could gradually from 14 to 4 Hz can also improve the consistency of nerve impulses neurons, resulting in the EEG by waves of greater amplitude.
All kinds of companies produce music discs playing on the principle of resonance, usually with frequencies from 3 to 8 Hz, to promote the learning and especially relaxing . It sometimes combines spoken injunctions capable of inducing hypnosis - to quit smoking, for example. One company even gave the name "Audiomedicine" (registered trademark) products like this one.
Is it subliminal messages? In principle, no. Moreover, companies generally fall a note on their products to declare that they do not contain any subliminal message may represent a psychological rape. Some people worry when even two.
Technology at the service of both hemispheres
Change the rhythm of brain waves is one thing, but to adopt the same rate by two hemispheres of the brain, it is no more, it seems. The theory is that over the hemispheres operate at the same rate, the greater the well-being . It is even believed that operation "integrated" two hemispheres promotes better mental and intellectual performance, since the logical (left brain) and creativity (right brain) then act synergistically.
One way to do this was discovered in 1973 by D r Gerald Oster, School of Medicine Mount Sinai, New York: it is called " binaural beats "(relating to both ears). When, with headphones, it sounds a frequency different in each ear, the brain adopts the rhythm of the difference between the two frequencies, if the left ear receives a frequency of 210 Hz and right, of 200 Hz, neurons of two hemispheres adopt an activity of 10 Hz, the frequency differential. This is known as the " response frequency of adoption."
Apparently, you can not play well with any frequency, but researchers at the Monroe Institute 3 , the most active company in the field of technology cerebral synchronization , say they have discovered fifty combinations that effects on the brain would be particularly beneficial. Robert Monroe, now deceased, has patented this process in 1975 and has developed a series of tools known as Hemi-Sync. The simplest are recordings in which radio signals are hidden under various sounds more or less musical. There are also more complex devices combining sound waves and visual impulses.
To facilitate sleep , for example, the differential frequency binaural beats slowly changing from 8 Hz to 2 Hz, thus favoring the passage in 40 minutes, a state of relaxation light (8 Hz) to a state of trance deep ( 2 Hz).
The Monroe Institute says on its website that its products are likely to "focus the resources of the brain, the mind and body to achieve various goals," among others: 4
activate a process of emotional growth (developing self-esteem, eliminate self-sabotage, etc.).
enhance relaxation and sleep;
increase productivity and performance mental;
generate transcendent experiences (facilitating meditation , provide access to intuition, etc.).
support during pregnancy and childbirth.
Apart from those of the Monroe Institute, many other products are available on the market, especially to promote relaxation and creativity. Synchronization of brain waves is also used in the field of motivation for both business people and athletes and for those wanting to achieve personal goals. It also speaks of " mental training "and" neurodynamics".
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