Friday, September 21, 2012

Creative Non-Directive Approach

For further information, you can consult the record PsychotherapyYou will find an overview of many psychotherapeutic approaches - including a painting guide to help you choose the most appropriate - and a presentation on the success factors of therapy.

Thursday, September 20, 2012



For anyone who feels vulnerable or psychologically fragile to start looking for psychotherapy or psychotherapy may seem a particularly challenging. Of all the psychotherapies (more than 200 officially listed), there he more effective than others? Is that some problems lend themselves better? When and how should it be used?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

ECHO approach

ECHO Approach
For further information, you can consult the record Psychotherapy . You will find an overview of many psychotherapeutic approaches - including a painting guide to help you choose the most appropriate - and a presentation on the success factors of therapy. ECHO's approach, as well as several other techniques, is part of the mind-body approaches . A complete record is dedicated to these approaches.

Monday, September 17, 2012


From Latin apis bee for, the apitherapy is as old as beekeeping itself. It consists in using products harvested, processed or secreted by the bee - the honey , the propolis , the pollen , the royal jelly and venom - for dietary and therapeutic.

Since the early 1950s, studies around the world have a better understanding of the virtues traditionally attributed to honey and propolis, and discover the benefits previously unknown pollen and royal jelly . However, the application most clearly therapeutic bee products - and one of the oldest - still use bee venom to treat chronic rheumatic and arthritic certain inflammatory diseases such as tendinitis and bursitis , and the MS .

This is what it will be mainly discussed in this sheet. It deals with other products ( honey , propolis , pollen , royal jelly ) around the site.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Anti Gym

The anti-gym with a variety of other approaches, is part of somatic education. The plug Somatic Education presents a summary table to compare the main approaches. You can also consult the card Psychotherapy . You will find an overview of many psychotherapeutic approaches - including a painting guide to help you choose the most appropriate - and a presentation on the success factors of therapy.

The anti-exercise, what is it?

The Anti-Gym ® (a registered trademark) is the opposite of classic exercises gymnastics movements and instead proposed that adapt to each state. It is a method of physical rehabilitation which aims to raise awareness by small movements extremely precise, the tensions and muscle aches accumulated over the years, and to liberate themselves.

Loosen muscles
The anti-exercise can gradually work each muscle of the body, from the smallest to the largest, the most painful most misunderstood, and to extend to untie the knots that cause pain and deformity. Acting on the neuromuscular organization, it helps to have a better posture and find ease and flexibility .

The method taught to perceive the body as a whole, to feel the interaction between its different parts and balance muscles . One can, for example, awareness relations front / back and left / right. We notice that suddenly shoulder higher than the other, the toes are curled, the head is tilted forward, in short, that the body needs to regain its symmetry to move smoothly.

The anti-gym but wants more than just activity formatting. Untying the muscle rigidity, it can lead to release and heal the emotional. The verbal expression of feelings and emotions is as important as the movements themselves.

Knowing your body
The anti-exercise is usually practiced in groups, with the exception of the first sessions are individually. They allow the practitioner to assess the physical condition of the participant, and the latter to determine whether the approach suits him. Group, an exercise that takes just 15 minutes is a most revealing experience. It is simply a character shaping clay with your eyes closed. This little guy is actually a self-portrait, a landmark eloquent. It can illustrate vividly the perception that one has of his body (see A little experiment in this article).

Movements of anti-exercise can be performed standing or sitting, but most practice on the ground. Sometimes used small cork balls and sticks (which rolled under the foot, for example) to help release muscle tension, these movements have the effect of a self-massage.

Where does the term "anti-gymnatisque"?
Theresa Bertherat , the physiotherapist who developed anti-gymnastics during the 1970s chose the term "anti-gym" at the time of antipsychiatry. It is not that denigrated gymnastics classic, but it considered that certain exercises, such as those that require forced inhalation or reject the column back to clear the chest, did aggravate disorders the diaphragm and the spine. She says that it is the muscle contractions that gradually deformed body, a situation which, in his opinion, is not irreparable since the muscles are still pliable, whatever the age of the individual. The solution: wake sleeping areas that we carry by giving them the length!

To develop its approach Bertherat Thérèse was inspired mainly work three persons: the Austrian physician and psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (see Neo-Reichian massage ), the instigator of gymnastics Lili Ehrenfried holistic one , but especially the physiotherapist Françoise Mézières , creator of the Method Mézières , whom she met in 1972 in Paris and was a professor of physical therapy. His knowledge of anatomy, as well as the rigor and precision of his method were very impressed. Françoise Mézières has, among other things, a great influence in the field of orthopedics in 1947 by discovering the posterior muscular chain . It is also this famous chain of muscles, which runs through the back of the neck to the toes, which works in anti-gym.

Mézières and methods Bertherat
Although anti-Mézières Method and gymnastics are both methods of postural rehabilitation , there is a fundamental difference between them. Mézières Method is a therapeutic modality for treating specific neuromuscular disorders heavy, in fact, it is mainly used by physical therapists and physiotherapists. For cons, the anti-gym is a comprehensive approach to prevention that addresses all.

On other forms of anti-gym
The term "anti-gym" has become a trademark in 2005. It can be used by practitioners with a "Certificate of License". Many practitioners of different approaches inspired body, however, among other things, the method Bertherat, they may have adapted to their specialty. The anti-gym and many other disciplines using movement as an approach to self-awareness is part of what is called the somatic education .

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A little experiment in Anti Gym

Anti Gym
It was isolated in a quiet room. It takes the clay or bread dough (about 250 g) plain neutral color. Place a revival accounts or minutes hand and the rule to ring in fifteen minutes. It sits comfortably as possible and begin to knead the dough until it becomes soft. It forms a ball, then closes his eyes and begins to shape a character. We keep eyes closed until the end of the work. At the alarm, open eyes.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Transactional Analysis

Transactional analysis, what is it?

The transactional analysis (TA) is originally a form of psychotherapy . But it is also a theory of "social psychiatry" (in the words of its creator) because it proposes to study the psyche of people by analyzing their social relations . It draws its name from the word "transaction" which in English means an exchange, verbal or not. It has often described this approach as "popular version of psychoanalysis".

Transactional analysts explain malfunctions, inappropriate behavior, psychosomatic illnesses and even neuroses and psychoses by notions of "early decision" and " life scenarios . " From childhood (3 to 8 years), we would ours decisions, sacrifices and "painful choices." We would create "scenarios of life" more or less permanent. We would do this because, at this age, we have the resources and means of action necessarily reduced. These scenarios serve as defense mechanisms or solutions of lesser evil to pressure environment or adverse situations.

Later, after developing other aspects of his personality and new skills could reevaluate these decisions and make the necessary changes to better flourish. This requires, however, aware of its decisions and its early life scenarios. This is, among other things, that offers transactional analysis.

The approach is used in psychotherapeutic work with individuals, couples and families. Various disciplines such as social work, education and organizational development, rely on transactional analysis. It is used especially as a tool for training or to defuse crises that hide communication problems.

What are you talking about me?
The basic concept of transactional analysis is one of the three ego states , formed during childhood and constitute the entire personality structure: it is the Parent, Adult and Child. They are commonly represented by three overlapping circles. All three are equally important as the other. What happens in our relationships and in our lives depends largely on the state of me from which we act in a given situation.

- The state Child is one from which include creativity, game, intuition, instincts and feelings. It can be spontaneous, intuitive and creative, the Child can also be temperamental, rebellious or submissive.

- The state Parent , for its part, is responsible, nurturing and protective. It is the sense of ethics and standards, which is the basis of respect for self and others. It is "civilized", but can be critical, demeaning and binding.

- About the state Adult , it serves balancing function between the Parent and Child, knowing when to make concessions to one or the other. It assesses, reflects and operates rationally based on the current situation. The state Adult is a kind of computer: it is neither negative nor positive.

But it often happens that one of the states or atrophied , or too pervasive , or that it has its negative dimension. If the state is Adult "contaminated" by some aspects of Parent or Child, the person will not have access to its full resources "adults". People can be "frozen" in a particular state. Some will always frowning, as Parent criticism , for example. Other inexorably react the same way, regardless of whether it is appropriate or not (eternal child subject , for example).

When two people share between them a wide variety of "transactions" may occur. It depends on the state of being from which each person expresses, the state of being which is believed to go, and the state of being actual person responding. Exchanges parallel or complementary generally do not conflict: for example, when talking to the Child Parent and Child responds to parent, or when the Parent to Parent that address responds by Parent. But that does not necessarily mean that these exchanges are healthy.

Discomfort psychic conflicts and ruptures occur when transactions are cross : for example, a request Adult factual information to another adult who is thinking faulted reacts rather subject to a Child Parent. Opportunities are considerable cross transactions and give rise to all sorts of frustrations, misunderstandings, manipulation ... Without realizing it, and without understanding what drives the other to react in a certain way, people are often involved in transactions dysfunctional.

In these basics, much more complex than this summary suggests, is grafted a wealth of concepts that may reveal the psyche of the individual. Include transactions double bottom (with apparent degree and degree concealed) the stratagems ( games ) transactions which are rigged for profit, and the exchange of tokens of recognition , successful or not, the dramatic roles (persecutor, rescuer , victim), the life scenarios and scenario-cons , etc..

Take responsibility for change
Developed by psychiatrist Eric Berne (1910-1970) during the 1950s, transactional analysis is based on a premise essential: each person is "basically correct", it has value, importance and dignity, and has the ability to think and choose. This is the approach in the current of humanistic psychology .

Eric Berne has placed great emphasis on the responsibility of the person in the development of his life story and his ability to change. He believed that with competent help, anyone can find his original abilities , who expect that to be issued prohibitions created by the scenarios it has built. Berne wanted to enable its customers to overcome suffering and achieve psychological maturity is characterized by a high capacity conscience , of autonomy and spontaneity .

As in many psychotherapies type humanist, this is to help the client to:

- aware of his behavior;
- review what context (usually family or cultural) attitudes issues have been adopted;
- make the decision to rebuild healthy interpersonal boundaries;
- integrally organize the various elements of his emotional life, intellectual and relational, to have a more satisfactory existence in the present.

Eric Berne was born in Montreal in 1910 to Jewish parents who had emigrated from Eastern Europe. He studied medicine at McGill University and psychiatry at Yale University in the United States and became an American citizen. Established in California in 1946, he raises his family while pursuing a career in psychiatry busy (hospital, clinic, consulting services for the military and private practice).

In the 1950s, Berne is always inspired by Freud, but distanced himself from psychoanalysis. It seeks to establish an effective therapeutic tool fast and therefore less expensive and accessible to all. It develops original concepts which he reported in several scientific articles. With the publication of his book Psychotherapy and Transactional Analysis in 1961, his theory is already talking about it in the psychotherapeutic and psychiatric settings. In 1964, Berne and his colleagues founded the International Transactional Analysis Association, which still exists today.

The pros and cons
The transactional analysis has great qualities and remarkably effective tool, which does not prevent it from being criticized, especially for its lack of central hypothesis . It was also noted that the description of the various states (Parent, Adult and Child) does not match any biochemical or physiological reality. He is accused of then ignore the sociological dimension of human problems, and neglect the importance of imagination and fantasies. It must be said that his jargon and aphorisms, humorous to the American way, are sometimes seen as simplistic (and often incongruous in French!).

But transactional analysis has ardent supporters: does not it, as the Berne wanted, accessible to people of all ages and from all walks of life? And then, as a theologian and psychoanalyst said: "This therapy, since apparently superficial focuses on the roles of the profound psychic instances, however, is very important in transpersonal perspectives therapies. First, because it enhances the Adult I, autonomous, able to judge for himself. Then, because it advocates the unconditional acceptance of others.

Therapeutic applications of transactional analysis

The transactional analysis is first defined as a psychotherapy and should be able to help solve a variety of problems related to mental life and relationships with self and others. Professional associations analysts do however no representation as to the specific problems that the approach is likely to heal.

Transactional Analysis 4
target therapeutic areas of interest or the psychotherapy , the dynamics of individuals within organizations , the process of education and those related to the activities of support . The ability to manipulate concepts of transactional analysis may also be useful to various professionals, such as nurses, teachers and social workers, who need to interact with people potentially disrupted.

Some items on the transactional analysis have been published in scientific journals in psychiatry , in publications dealing with logistics hospital or speaking to nurses . However, there is no quality scientific research that confirms the effectiveness of this approach.

Transactional analysis remains a tool for understanding the relationships and mechanisms that underlie them to better interact in society and intimacy.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fitness 1 - Top Reasons to Move

Physical fitness is a key determinant of health. Here is a case in three parts to help you cultivate or recover.

1. For fun
Run on all fours with a baby, hurry to catch the bus, swim in the fresh water of the lake, playing ball with the kids, dance, climb a dozen steps, take a walk after a meal, push the grocery cart, raking leaves in the fall and even brushing your teeth, it is the physical activity .

The human body like activity because it is not made ​​to live sitting and shouts his impatience often even by pain voltage. Provide a variety of opportunities to move in will be "happy body.

The physical activity can be a great source of fun! To convince and experiment must remove from his mind all the unpleasant pictures (self) which was able to associate physical effort. Gyms you down? Do not go there. You hate promiscuity? Forget aerobics. Are you bored alone? Jogging is not for you. The breath makes you panic? You can very well avoid it.

If your business 'active' give you the pleasure you win on all fronts. And when you're in shape, current activities - like taking out the trash or washing windows - are much less painful.

2. To relax
Move with gusto is a natural way to stimulate the phenomenon called " relaxation response. " Symptoms of anxiety (dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, etc..) are attributable to excessive activity of the sympathetic branch of the nervous system, called "accelerator". However, physical activity stimulates and strengthens the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system called the "brake". In the words of Dr. David Servan-Schreiber in Healing : "Since the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are still in opposition, the more it stimulates the parasympathetic, the more it increases, like a muscle that grows, and it simply hangs events anxiety.

We also know that good nutrition helps the body to better manage the physiological reactions of stress , yet the people who make physical activity naturally tend to choose more nutritious foods.

3. For moral
Among followers of physical activity as energetic joggers, the following fact is well known: after 15 to 30 minutes of effort, the mind reaches a state slightly euphoric where thoughts are positive and even spontaneously creative. The phenomenon is due to hormones called endorphins that are released in the body during exercise. In a chapter where he explains the effect of endorphins, D r David Servan-Schreiber says that this phenomenon does not dull with time: "The more the natural mechanism of pleasure is stimulated [in this way], it seems more become sensitive. And people who exercise regularly derive more pleasure from the small things in life: their friends, their cat food, their readings, the smile of a passerby on the street.

Research shows that exercise can be as effective, if not more, than drugs to treat depression. The activity assay is important - both in the intensity, duration and frequency - too is not better than not enough. The consensus among researchers seems to be that 20 minutes moderate intensity three times a week is sufficient to obtain an effect on the part of the brain that modulates mood.

4. To lose weight
The weight is like a bank account: when is deposited (calories), it rises when removing (calories), it falls. However, our metabolism has evolved over thousands of years humans were very active, as we eat it every day, the only way to avoid weight gain is to "spend ". In fact, the more you do the exercise , the more you can eat without gaining weight. Research conducted in obese postmenopausal women showed that regular practice of moderate-intensity activity was an effective way to lose weight. Walking (at a good pace) and dance aerobics ( low-impact ) are good choices.

But there is more: the activity type aerobic (with elevated heart rate) can lose weight without being a major must reduce calorie intake, if you practice diligently. This is such a practice transforms the body "burner" while the body increases the rate at which it burns calories not only during the activity itself, but the rest of the time (depending, of course the duration and intensity of activity).

5. For pep
The conviction of being "too tired" to go walking (or skating, swimming, etc..) Is based on a misperception. Because humans have enough to eat in their fat accumulated almost inexhaustible reserve of energy , at least for engaging in low-intensity activities 13 . This kind of "fatigue" is more nervous tension, that is to say, the stress. However, the benefits of physical activity are also evident in the immediate 15 to 20 minutes of exercise just relieve stress and fatigue, and increase energy. Include simply by ensuring a better flow of oxygen, the body releases exercise of "sand in the gears" as the mental dullness and muscle tension.

6. For sex
The quality of the sex life depends mainly on the general health, the ability to relax and some cardiovascular endurance, three factors that physical activity plays an essential role. It takes energy to make love (even to want to make love) and an active lifestyle gives you energy!

When men healthy, but sedentary, start doing 1 hour of exercise 3 or 4 times a week, they report less erectile dysfunction , sexual activity more sustained and more fun. And a survey of 14 years with more than 30,000 American men found that two main factors play in maintaining good erectile function are physical activity and weight loss.

7. Not to suffer
Research shows that regular physical activity substantially reduces the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, with hypertension of type 2 diabetes , of osteoporosis , of colon cancer (and possibly breast cancer and of prostate cancer ). If the most convincing data obtained so far concern the illness, we know that curative and preventive effect of physical activity is not limited to these diseases 22 . For example, several specific exercises (including strengthening the abdominal muscles) would be a good way to prevent backaches.

In addition, many existing health problems can be alleviated, or their symptoms alleviated by regular physical activity - the chronic fatigue, the fibromyalgia, the asthma , the type 2 diabetes and arthritis , including. Even the recurrence of breast cancer can be defeated by the exercise.

8. To strengthen the immune system
The exercise moderate help increase the immunity . First, improving blood circulation, it is believed that cells and other substances in the immune system can more easily circulate in the body (essential to prevent infection of a wound, for example). Also, it was observed that certain immune components are stimulated by physical activity. But beware, overtraining could have the opposite effect.

9. Healthy Aging

Research shows that half of the loss of autonomy observed from age 30 to 70 years is attributable to lifestyle sedentary and not to aging itself. The data are clear: physical activity is effective in increasing the longevity. In addition, some studies indicate that exercise regularly practiced by the elderly to help prevent the decline of immune functions.

10. Because it is not so complicated
Even a small increase in activity is accompanied by significant positive effects on health: a little is a lot. Because the physical activity may have a minimum preventive or curative effect is not as high as is necessary to improve athletic performance (but profits fade fairly quickly when activity ceases).

It was recently discovered that it is not necessary to have a continuous activity for 30 or 40 minutes, as was once believed, three 10-minute periods throughout the day provide many benefits a single period of 30 minutes. Moreover, if a minimum of 10 minutes at a time is necessary for health benefits for the long-term, short activities (climbing stairs, for example) remain effective for short-term benefits (strengthening muscles, flexibility , etc.).

Remember that all kinds of types and kinds of activities are part of what is called" physical activity "walking in commuting, activities related to work, play with children, homemaking, gardening, sports.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Synchronization of Brain Waves, What is it?

Brain Waves
The brain is certainly an enigmatic territory, but over the last fifty years, science has elucidated some of its mysteries. Today, we not only use pharmaceuticals to intervene in its chemistry, but also various technologies to modify the physical mechanisms. Thus, simply by listening to recordings designed for this purpose or using small devices that emit light signals, like strobes, you can speed up or slow down brain waves or synchronize waves of the right hemisphere with those of the left hemisphere .

The desired effects are varied and not always orthodox scientifically: improve sleep or function immunity , overcoming shyness , learning accelerated, develop creativity , but also achieve the so-called state "not ordinary" consciousness - especially to daydreams or travel outside of the body. Note that non-ordinary does not mean artificial, but it is rather uncommon states - one could say requiring availability not compatible with our usual lifestyle.

Brain waves
In different areas of the brain, nerve runs on consistency and how rhythmic neurons are activated together (more or less) as a pulse , then calm, then activate again. Through small electrodes placed on the scalp and connected to a device called an electroencephalograph (EEG, invented in 1929), the rate of these pulses can be translated into the form of waves .

The intensity of brain activity manifested by the frequency of these waves. They are calculated in hertz (Hz) - a matching hertz ripple per second. If the graph recorded by the EEG is flat, there is no brain activity. As the waves generated by an active brain, they are divided into 4 or 5 bands, whose names come from the Greek:

Delta waves: from 0.5 to 4 Hz, those of deep sleep without dreams.

Theta: April to July Hz, those of deep relaxation , full awakening, suffering particularly by experienced meditators.

Alpha waves: 8 to 13 Hz, those of mild relaxation and quiet wakefulness.

Beta waves: 14 Hz or more, those routine activities . Strangely, the beta brain waves pass during short periods of sleep with dreaming (REM sleep), as if the dream were activities activities "routine".

Sometimes we speak of gamma waves that would fall above 30 or 35 Hz and testify a large brain activity during the process as creative or resolutions of problems . (Do not confuse with the gamma rays emitted by the nuclei of atoms.)

Note moreover that the brain is divided into two hemispheres, and in several areas, each with an important function: language areas of the body sensitivity, emotion, etc.. Regarding the hemispheres, we know they work most often in relative independence, and the left generally dominant, is the seat of logic and rational , while the right is that of creativity .

The brainwave frequency varies according to the type of activities in which we are engaged, but untrained individuals have relatively little control over them. Too much stress , for example, and the nervous system does not accept to relax: the brain waves then continue to remain in the range beta and it is impossible to find the sleep ...

On the other hand, it is argued that the best mental resources for creativity and problem solving would be in the range of theta waves, which, unfortunately, is not accessed easily.

When the brain takes the pace
Several external events can influence the rate of brain waves . Science has discovered that it is generally a resonance effect that is involved, as when a note is played on the piano vibrate in unison a guitar string. The steady beat of drums as well as Gregorian chant or rhythmic physical activities such as walking provide, in the long run this. Now, modern technology can achieve these results in no time.

Indeed, certain types of sound pulses emitted directly into the ears can induce, accelerate or slow wave frequency depending on the desired result. To improve the quality of relaxation and promote sleep, for example, "calls" the brain to slow down the rhythm of the waves, which could gradually from 14 to 4 Hz can also improve the consistency of nerve impulses neurons, resulting in the EEG by waves of greater amplitude.

All kinds of companies produce music discs playing on the principle of resonance, usually with frequencies from 3 to 8 Hz, to promote the learning and especially relaxing . It sometimes combines spoken injunctions capable of inducing hypnosis - to quit smoking, for example. One company even gave the name "Audiomedicine" (registered trademark) products like this one.

Is it subliminal messages? In principle, no. Moreover, companies generally fall a note on their products to declare that they do not contain any subliminal message may represent a psychological rape. Some people worry when even two.

Technology at the service of both hemispheres
Change the rhythm of brain waves is one thing, but to adopt the same rate by two hemispheres of the brain, it is no more, it seems. The theory is that over the hemispheres operate at the same rate, the greater the well-being . It is even believed that operation "integrated" two hemispheres promotes better mental and intellectual performance, since the logical (left brain) and creativity (right brain) then act synergistically.

One way to do this was discovered in 1973 by D r Gerald Oster, School of Medicine Mount Sinai, New York: it is called " binaural beats "(relating to both ears). When, with headphones, it sounds a frequency different in each ear, the brain adopts the rhythm of the difference between the two frequencies, if the left ear receives a frequency of 210 Hz and right, of 200 Hz, neurons of two hemispheres adopt an activity of 10 Hz, the frequency differential. This is known as the " response frequency of adoption."

Apparently, you can not play well with any frequency, but researchers at the Monroe Institute 3 , the most active company in the field of technology cerebral synchronization , say they have discovered fifty combinations that effects on the brain would be particularly beneficial. Robert Monroe, now deceased, has patented this process in 1975 and has developed a series of tools known as Hemi-Sync. The simplest are recordings in which radio signals are hidden under various sounds more or less musical. There are also more complex devices combining sound waves and visual impulses.

To facilitate sleep , for example, the differential frequency binaural beats slowly changing from 8 Hz to 2 Hz, thus favoring the passage in 40 minutes, a state of relaxation light (8 Hz) to a state of trance deep ( 2 Hz).

The Monroe Institute says on its website that its products are likely to "focus the resources of the brain, the mind and body to achieve various goals," among others: 4

activate a process of emotional growth (developing self-esteem, eliminate self-sabotage, etc.).
enhance relaxation and sleep;
increase productivity and performance mental;
generate transcendent experiences (facilitating meditation , provide access to intuition, etc.).
support during pregnancy and childbirth.

Apart from those of the Monroe Institute, many other products are available on the market, especially to promote relaxation and creativity. Synchronization of brain waves is also used in the field of motivation for both business people and athletes and for those wanting to achieve personal goals. It also speaks of " mental training "and" neurodynamics".

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Therapeutic Applications in Bioenergetic Analysis

Bioenergetic analysis has been very few randomized clinical trials. The majority of written case studies are presented in the books of D r Lowen and his successors. There are also some observational studies 3 , but also descriptions of the basic concepts of the approach 4-6 . It is therefore not possible at this time to rule formally on the effectiveness of this therapy for most proposed uses.

Somatoform disorders reduce chronic. somatoform disorders are characterized by the presence of physical symptoms that can not be explained by either a medical condition or another mental disorder. It would be a way for the body to react to emotional or social problems. A clinical study on this issue was published in 2006 7 . Turkish immigrants suffering from this disease were randomly divided into two groups. Members of the first group were treated with bioenergetic analysis. Those of the other, serving as the control group, practiced gymnastics mild.

The results of bioenergy group were significantly better than those of group exercise. However, both therapies were added to existing treatments: individualized drug therapy and individual sessions or group psychotherapy. As a result, it is difficult to attribute the results observed bioenergetic analysis only, but probably the combination therapy.

In practice

Bioenergetic analysis is defined as "an approach depths." It is therefore not only to remove the symptoms, but it is designed to help a person to tame and reorganize the structure of his personality. This work usually requires several years. Some practitioners also agree to work for short periods to meet specific needs.

There are a dozen therapists in Quebec and 100 in France and Belgium. Sessions take place individually, in private practice. Make sure the therapist is accredited by the IIBA.

The International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA) defines, manages and provides training throughout the world, in collaboration with local institutes that are members. The IIBA believes that this training is postgraduate level. The candidates must have a solid foundation in psychology, a diploma degree in a relevant discipline (psychology, social work, etc.).. Training is provided mainly by international trainers and extends over at least four years. It includes theoretical lectures, practical workshops, individual therapy sessions and supervised therapeutic practice.

The short course
Some institutes also offer courses of shorter duration for participants in the health or education who want to familiarize themselves with the grid bioenergetic understanding personality. This training gives neither certification nor right to practice as an analyst bioénergéticien.

The main umbrella organizations and trainers
- International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIAB) The IIBA is an international organization that brings together practitioners and coordinates practice parameters.

- European Federation for Bioenergetic Analysis-Psychotherapy
- Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis southern France (IAB-FS)
Belgian Society of Bioenergetic Analysis (SOBAB)
French Society for Bioenergetic Analysis (SFABE)

- Quebec Society of Bioenergetic Analysis (SOQAB)
There are also companies or institutes in most other European countries as well as in the rest of Canada, the United States and around the world.

Books, etc..

Edith Fournier. Who's afraid of Alexander Lowen? - Travel within a therapist , Éditions de l'Homme, Canada, 1995.
For a look inside the work of Lowen.

Alexander Lowen. Spirituality body - Practice bioenergy , Editions Dangles, France, 1993.
An excellent guide for beginners to practice.

Most other books of D r Lowen have been exhausted, at least in French, and are found only in library or used bookstore. Include some titles (with the original data in brackets):
Bio-Energy , Editions France-America, Canada, 1985. ( Bioenergetics , 1975).
joy found , Editions Dangles, France, 1995. ( Joy: The Surrender to the Body and to Life , 1994).
violated body , Éditions du Jour, Canada, and Chu, France, 1977. ( The Betrayal of the Body , 1967).

Wilhelm Reich. Character Analysis , Payot, France, 1992.
Understanding the basic premises on which the analysis was based bioenergy.

Wilhelm Reich. orgasm function , L'Arche, France, 1967.
In 1927, the D r Reich caused a scandal with the publication of this book. He presents his theory on the basis of sexual energy and an amazing invention, the accumulator sexual energy, which earned him the prison where he died in 1957. After a long wait, the brilliant researcher found today citizenship, and five of his books have just been reissued by Payot, France, in paperback:

Listen little man (2002)
The emergence of sexual morality (1999 )
Ether, God and the Devil (1999)
Mass Psychology of Fascism (1998)
Reich speaks of Freud (1998).

Note: hypertext links to other sites are not updated continuously. It is possible that a link becomes missing. Then please use the search tools to find the desired information.


International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis [Accessed 20 October 2008].
Alexander Lowen. recovered Joy , Editions Dangles, France, 1995.
PubMed - National Library of Medicine .
Wilhelm Reich. Listen, little man , Editions Payot, reissue 2002 (first edition: 1948).


1. Wilhelm Reich. Listen, little man , Editions Payot, reissue 2002 (first edition: 1948).
2. Gudat Ulrich. A Therapist's Understanding of Bioenergetics , Germany, 1997. Text published on the website of the IIBA. [Accessed 20 October 2008]. www.bioenergetic
3. Koemeda-Lutz M, Kaschke M, et al . Evaluation of the efficacité of body-psychotherapy in out-patient settings (EEBP) Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol. December 2006, 56 (12) :480-7.
4. Lowen A. Bioenergetics. An interview with Dr. Alexander Lowen of New York. Interview by M. Carafa. Psichiatr Minerva . 1979, 20 (2): viii-xi.
5. Royer D. Bioenergetic analysis. Bioenergetic analysis. Sante Ment Que. 1977, 2 (1) :13-30.
6. P. Lebrun Neo-Reichian therapy. Reichian therapy Neo. Sante Ment Que. 1977, 2 (2) :103-9.
7. Nickel M, Cangoez B, et al. Bioenergetic exercises in inpatient treatment of Turkish immigrants with chronic somatoform disorders: a randomized, controlled study. Bioenergetic exercises in inpatient treatment of Turkish immigrants with chronic somatoform disorders: a randomized, controlled study. J Psychosom Res . 2006, 61 (4) :507-13.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bioenergetic Analysis

For further information, you can consult the record Psychotherapy . You will find an overview of many psychotherapeutic approaches - including a painting guide to help you choose the most appropriate - and a presentation on the success factors of therapy.


The term "bioenergetic analysis" means a form of psychotherapy developed in the United States by Alexander Lowen, the middle of the XX th century, which combines verbal and body work. It is sometimes called "bioenergy", but this term can be confusing because it is also used in other contexts.

Bioenergetic analysis considers the person as a "psychosomatic unity" what happens in the body also takes place in the mind, and vice versa. To understand the approach, we must first talk about Wilhelm Reich, a physician and former disciple of Freud, forced into exile in the United States by the Nazis.

He was the first, in 1930, introducing the concept of "unconscious body" and try to recognize the traces physical pain resulting psychic . Muscle contractions caused by our emotions, he said, leading to the formation of a "character armor" that aims to protect us from suffering, but also has the effect of preventing the flow of energy. The "emotional paralysis," he wrote at the end of his life: "You do not know what to pick up and, you know neither sell nor give, because the fundamental attitude of your body is that of restraint, and the refusal Despite thou art seized of panic when you feel the original movement of Love and Don Self 1 . '

For two years, psychiatrists and Pierrakos John Alexander Lowen, ex-patients and students Reich, continued this work to develop a therapeutic method using physical intervention further recommended that the Reich. They also gave more space to the analysis of personal history. In the late 1950s, they founded together Clinical Research Institute, which later became the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA).

Fairly quickly, Pierrakos took another way to design therapy known as primordial energies ( Core Energetics ), but the two men remained in contact. Lowen, for its part, has always continued to explore the bioenergetic analysis and teaching. He has written extensively on this subject and his books - including a dozen French - were very popular in the 1970s with a young population open to psychic explorations. It is now regarded as the true father of this approach.

Alexander Lowen IIBA chaired until 1996, at the age of 86 years. Today, the institute is run by therapists intensely involved in their practice. It remains open to the discoveries of psychology and continues to evolve the approach.

Bioenergetic analysis was initially designed to treat people with serious psychiatric problems such as neurosis and problems of depression , of anxiety or sexual or relational. Thanks to its bodily, it would also be appropriate for the treatment of personality disorders (such as narcissism) and diseases of psychosomatic origin. Healthy people can find a way through a crisis, to explore their emotional life and release their potential joy and creativity.

Release the body and emotions
All humans experience conflict, lack of affection, lack of understanding, handling and other difficult situations inherent in interpersonal relationships. Children are protected from these painful experiences through psychological processes such as denial or suppression. They also use physiological mechanisms such as muscle contraction, limiting the mobility of joints. Reich had identified seven "rings tension": the eye, the mouth, the neck, the chest, the diaphragm, the abdominal and pelvis. When the contractions are frequently repeated (programmed reflex), they become chronic and fall deeply in the attitude of the body.

The analyst bioénergéticien attaches great importance to the bodily expressions, such as breathing, posture, tone of voice and the rhythm of it. These physical characteristics he reveal the structure of the defense system of a person and the type of existential struggle it leads. Body work they undertake is to first develop attention to sensations. Then, with particular breathing exercises, postures, movements and pressures manual therapist, it promotes awareness of old become chronic muscle tension. The goal is to discover the defenses we built as a child to face difficult situations and to relax and to redevelop.

Adopting positions that generate tensions - lying on his back on a large ball, chest open and clear, for example, or through some vigorous exercises may cause shouts, tears and anger - it creates conditions for d intense emotional release. It is at the same time, to recover all the energy that was somehow "occupied" to hide and keep these emotions.

As for the verbal portion, it stems from roots psychoanalytic approach (Freud, Reich, Lowen): the practitioner there is analytical work to help the person to connect his words to his body language and his personal history. The goal is to help the person to live with his emotions, considered the "spontaneous movements of the body."

The concept of "energy" is not abstract or symbolic: it is the production of energy through respiration and metabolism, and discharge energy in motion. Energy processes are spontaneous manifestations of life. More life happens to occur in a person, it has more energy. At the opposite, stiffness and chronic tension prevent these events and, in turn, reduce energy. However, the amount of energy a person has and the way she uses determine how it can deal with the situations of life. Bioénergique analysis also highlights the "rootedness" ( grounding ), a condition where the person feels in contact with his feet, his legs and ground support. This necessarily leads to a better contact with self and reality.

The bioenergetic analysis tools can adapt to everyone's processes. When necessary, the practitioner knows how to help people deal with intense emotional reactions, but the work can also be done smoothly.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Choice of Base in Food

It may be advantageous to better understand some of the elements and processes involved in nutrition to make more informed choices. Thus, we first divide the food into three broad categories: Basic

The nutrients . These are all nutrients that the body absorbs and uses for its normal operation. Food nutrients become under the action of digestive juices, they are generally classified into two groups: micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats and alcohols). The primary role of protein is to be the base material that makes up the physical structure of the body, while carbohydrates and lipids (fats) are most likely energy: fuel. For more details, see The nutrient chemistry .

The empty calories . These are many foods that contain little or no micronutrients because they were lost during refining (sweet and savory treats, white rice), or have a high content of saturated fats or refined sugars (food empty, cakes).

Antinutrients . Known as any substance that may impair the absorption of nutrients or to be processed by the body requires more nutrients it provides. Here are a few: food additives (colorings, sulfites, nitrates, etc..), Hydrogenated oils, pesticides, toxic molecules generated by frying or barbecuing, drinking (beyond a certain amount), coffee and tea (when taken with meals). Drugs, cigarette smoke, fumes of carbon dioxide, etc.. also act as antinutrients.

Clearly it is better to focus on nutrients ... But compose menus for each nutrient required in the desired proportions and can become a very laborious business. Fortunately, it is possible to simplify life, among others by following a few basic principles.

The basic principles
The vast majority of experts in diet , whether or not environmental official, agreed on a number of principles that can guide us. For most people with no health problems, make some adjustments to his eating habits - to better reflect these principles - may already lead to a significant improvement.

Balanced meals . The idea is to choose their food in different food groups: fruits and vegetables (half the plate), cereal products (a quarter of the plate), meat and alternatives (one quarter ), to which we add a contribution of calcium , consuming dairy products, for example. Thus, your meal will contain:

- a healthy dose of carbohydrates : whole grains and various flours and whole stone ground are preferable
- enough protein: protein from legumes (soybeans, lentils, beans, peas chickpeas, etc..) and fish should be preferred;
- low in fat (fat) it is particularly important to choose the RIGHT fats, like those found in seeds and nuts , and the oils plant, ideally pressed cold ( olive and canola , for example).
An example of a relatively simple fix to achieve a better balance: the Western diet is generally deficient in vegetables and fruits, you can get into the habit of systematic double portion of vegetables served at lunch and dinner to eat a fruit or 1 hour before the evening meal.

A varied diet . To achieve the necessary range of nutrients, not only must eat every day foods from each food group, but many foods in each group. Most people could, for example, make better use of the group "cereal products" which, in addition to bread wheat , the rice and pasta, crackers also includes rye flour, kamut, the pies millet or to barley , cornmeal, oatmeal for oatmeal , cereal quinoa and more. Just the act of placing rice white rice (or half and half) is an improvement.

Fresh food and good quality . This means first of all to avoid foods "denatured" such as sweets and savory, baked goods and many industrial frozen prepared meals. It may also, to the extent possible, choose organic and freshly picked vegetables (frozen vegetables are better than those who have stayed too long in the fridge), and organic meats.

Reasonable amount. Excess weight is statistically and undeniably linked to a host of diseases and reduced life expectancy. In addition, preliminary research on animals show that slightly under-calorie diet (without nutrient deficiency) maintained in the long term may help prevent certain cancers 2 and increase longevity 3 . An example of adjustment: reduce systematically quarter or third portions of foods high in calories (pasta and rice, for example) and replace them with a nutritious and low in calories, like a vegetable.

Tasty food. This is the flavor that first determines our food choices 4 and testimonies are unanimous: if so many people give up the diet program which is ideal however, is that it gives them no pleasure. However, the high content of salt, sugar and fat in processed foods seems to be increasingly popular and is, in youth, becoming the norm. To counteract the attraction of these dishes "over-savorisés" must afford the healthy foods that you particularly like and prepare them so tasty - using, for example, several herbs are a good source of nutrients ...

To go further

These basic principles are pretty much close to those of most food guides official Western countries. One can of course adapt to each particular case or favor one approach or a specific diet.

Thus, in the sheet Special Diet: Cancer , we propose a food program originally designed for people with cancer, but could be very beneficial for the general population. It is as follows:

- Limit consumption of red meats.
- Adopt a diet semi-vegetarian.
- Limit excess salt and smoked foods.
- Avoid excess fat.
- Please see the form for more details.

And supplements?
In principle, the medical community does not endorse supplements and affirms that " balanced diet "should provide all the nutrients needed to maintain health. In practice, this is much less obvious.

Agree that it is often difficult to get all the nutrients required: because certain food groups are not part of our eating habits, for family reasons or because of cultural bias or supply problems. In addition, we may have a higher need for certain nutrients, because of our lifestyle, our intensity physical activity a health problem or factors "antinutrionnels" as stress - and would be unthinkable, for example, consume 8 grapefruits or 20 cloves of garlic per day.

In many cases, it can be convenient to use dietary supplements to complement what we can not get the food or nutrient get a dose greater than the dose normally required. The vast majority of nutrients are available in concentrated form.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Eat Well?

Eat this not that food. It is also a social act, sensual, emotional and vital in the strictest sense. We eat often because we are hungry; sometimes to fill a gap or emotional to please its guests ...

We would all "eating well", if only because of the impact, now scientifically proven the power of health. "A healthy diet is the foundation of good health and a key element in the development of human health," said Health Canada clearly. 1

But what to eat ? Many different things, and sometimes contradictory, depending on your point of view one takes, in our culture, our way of life, our beliefs, our values ​​... Not easy to navigate, particularly theories food abound, and are also often contradictory.

In this form, you will not find definitive solutions or recipes. We will attempt to locate the food in a global context, to see how the science of nutrition has evolved over the last fifty years and present the main recommendations it offers today. We will particularly focus on nutrition as a specific approach to health: "Let your food be your medicine" said Hippocrates.

Eating is living
We are much more attached to our eating habits , good or bad, that we can imagine. Changing these habits can be a challenge! Most immigrants, for example, adopt the clothing, language, customs of their adopted country, but keep very long their culinary traditions. Requires strong reasons to change.

Top of the scale incentives are the weight loss and resolution of a health problem . If eating less animal fat or more fruits and vegetables, helps to cure a specific disease, it may be sufficient motivation. But eliminating junk food ( junk food ) or prepare meals more balanced to prevent a hypothetical disease or to be in better shape, is much more difficult.

Experience has shown that it is better to change your eating habits very gradually incorporating one or two changes at a time. These changes can affect both food themselves (less chips, more fruits) that our relationship with them (compensation, gluttony, habits) or the way we eat (chew slowly, sit down to eat).

Basic needs

The food is closely related to the image we have of ourselves and our values. Some would even say that the way we eat has dimensions karmic energy. In Chinese diet , for example, foods are considered as the energy characteristics within philosophical and symbolic but also very pragmatic, based on an observation millennium.

In the dominant Western scientific perspective, by cons, the approach is the same biochemical and mathematical considering that these are the various chemical compounds in foods that combine to provide what the body needs.

Anyway, we can agree that food reflects essentially four basic needs:

- Provide daily resources needed to create the energy and remain active (which allows you to compare the role of food in the fuel for a vehicle).
- Maintain the health of the body , as nutrients ensure optimal growth and function of cells, tissues, organs, etc..
Cure or help to cure various diseases.
- Procure pleasure and well-being through certain qualities of food (taste, smell, color, etc..) and satiety.

The science of nutrition
The nutrition specifically addresses the field of study that applies to "the process by which living things absorb, metabolize, and eliminate the use of food." This science is still young and tackles a terribly complex domain.

It must be remembered that the systematic identification of key nutrients and their roles did not begin until the early XX th century. From the 1950s, the science of nutrition is increasingly concerned with diseases chronic, degenerative or overweight ( diabetes , cardiovascular disease , cancer , obesity , allergies ) that have genetic origins, but also external ( diet, lifestyle, pollution, etc.)..

Since then, the concept of balanced diet has appeared and the potential harms of the modern diet, too refined for industrial technologies were highlighted. More recently, we began to understand the role and synergy of vitamins , the minerals , trace elements, antioxidants ( flavonoids , carotenoids ) and amino acids.

Food assimilation
The digestion begins in the mouth and is not even completed two days later. During this process takes place countless chemical transformations which together various enzymes and several organs. In addition, many personal characteristics influence how our body absorbs nutrients: age, state of health, allergies or food intolerances, the amount of adipose tissue reserves of nutrients in the body, the type work, physical activity, quality of sleep, smoking, nervous and emotional state, the time at which it eats, the posture during meals, etc..

The assimilation process is so complex that has always been advocated all sorts of approaches intended to better suit our digestive system : the vegetarian , the choice of foods according to blood group, the acid-base balance , food combinations, the crudivorisme, various schemes (method Montignac , Pritikin , Kousmine ...), not to mention the Chinese diet, ayurvedic food, etc.. In addition, public health agencies in most countries publish guides food officials who constantly evolving. But still, experts do not agree with each other and new hypotheses food appear regularly.

Finally, when it comes to combat specific diseases or conditions, there is a multitude of dietary recommendations and specific regimes, where the types of food and the portions are accurately determined. We found several sheets in our Special Diets and Plans .

We must get to the evidence, the regime ideal does not exist. Although nutritional needs are basic similar for all human beings, optimal nutrition will differ for each person. Given the complexity of actual data in nutrition, it can be useful for most of us to periodically consult a competent person able to determine our needs and guide us in the best nutritional choices.

The nutrition experts who have received a university education and are part of a professional title are reserved nutritionist , dietician or dietitian (the name varies by country). However, other health care providers, such as naturopaths, may also have very good knowledge on the subject. To determine the nutritional needs of a person and discover the food choices that suit them best, we often use a blood test (for iron levels, cholesterol, etc..) And questionnaires that address various aspects of fashion life.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What is Alexander Technique

What is Alexander Technique? The Alexander Technique with various other approaches, is part of somatic education. The plug Somatic Education presents a summary table to compare the main approaches.

Contribute to the relief of symptoms of chronic pain. Improve the quality of life of patients with Parkinson's disease.

Increase breathing capacity. Improve the sense of balance.


According to Frederick Matthias Alexander, the way we use our bodies (what he called "self-use") may contribute to the health or, conversely, harm. However, all human beings have bad habits of posture and breathing - automation - which cause many problems, back pain and headaches, fatigue, respiratory limitation, lack of flexibility, etc.. Obviously, the whole concept is inherent in this theory, where each part is crucial to the whole. As for the reasons to be inadequate habits they follow for much of the sedentary lifestyle and hypermental the contemporary world.

We must face the facts, it is not because it is "natural" it is ideal. Among the current and automation issues include a strong tension in the region head-neck-back. Indeed, in all sorts of circumstances, human beings tend to push back and head - called the startle reflex , the "startle pattern." However, according to Alexander, a dynamic and balanced between the head, neck and back is crucial for the quality of all human movements. He therefore called primary control ( primary control ) this dynamic relationship, the "overall scheme" between the head, neck and spine.

There are also numerous learning of childhood neuromuscular require a great effort and are rarely managed holistically, like writing, that causes children to develop extremely tense postures.

You should know that when tension whatsoever, is not consciously and quickly dispersed, the body adapts to it. Therefore, the Alexander Technique promotes the development of care ( awareness ), that is to say, a sharp sense of postural behaviors and anything that can affect the balance. In this work, we must adopt a mechanism to stop ( inhibition ) that is consciously slow the onset of a habitual action or automatically then replace it with the help of the speaker by another more appropriate.

A technique to unlearn
The Alexander Technique is not a therapy, but a method of somatic education, which may also be called postural reeducation or rehabilitation psychomotor its practitioners are not therapists, but educators dealing with students rather than patients. Technique designed to unlearn some ingrained habits, the process takes time and requires active participation and followed by the student.

If the technique is highly appreciated by the people in the scene, it is open to all, young and old, athletic and sedentary men and women. Its objectives are to improve coordination and balance, reduce muscle tension, relieve pain, reduce fatigue and problems with certain diseases and promote wellness.

Question wellness, according to the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, she would learn how to:

- stand with feet without stiffness;
- move with ease;
- keep in mind both awake and calm;
- be both active and energetic, without excessive tension;
- apply the appropriate effort, more or less, in all our activities.

Sir Stafford Cripps, one of the English nobles who benefited from the technical, made known its discretion in the following terms: "Instead of feeling as an aggregate of parts nested evil, full of friction and dead weight, due to which the mere fact of existence becomes exhausting the body reveals a set of living and coordinated, composed of parts that fit perfectly and articulate.'

An actor without a voice

1890, Australian Frederick Matthias Alexander , then actor, experiencing hoarseness repeated when his benefits, which could put an end to his career. The doctors could not detect any physiological cause, he thought he might be caused himself the problem and initiated - including using mirrors - an intense observation of posture and vocal technique. It took almost ten years to get rid of inappropriate behavior.

People from the scene began to consult for problems that interfered with their work. Soon, doctors began to send customers to problems of various kinds. In 1904, education became his main occupation, and he decided to settle in London called more customers. Among those who consulted throughout the next 50 years, several scientists testified publicly the merits of this approach, including Sir Charles Sherrington, considered the father of modern neurology.

Beginning in 1930, Alexander began to send its technical apprentices, both in Europe and the United States, where he stayed periodically. At 79, he managed to regain control after engine side paralysis caused by a stroke. He taught until his death in 1955, at the age of 86 years.

Three years later, the main London apprentices formed the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT). To date, this association is the main umbrella organization and the main body to manage training programs. There are now more than 2,500 practitioners throughout the world, especially in Europe, North America and Australia, while the technical part of the curriculum of many schools of music and theater. It is generally recognized Matthias Alexander a pioneering role in approaches to body awareness.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

What is Acupuncture

acupuncture demonstration picture

Acupuncture: In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are protocols acupuncture for treating or preventing a variety of conditions. See the many indications in the section Research on acupuncture .

Acupuncture, what is it?

The acupuncture is one of the five branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with the Chinese diet , the Chinese medicine (herbs), the Tui Na massage and energy exercises ( Qi Gong and Tai Chi ). Acupuncture is based on an energy approach and holistic. According to the Eastern medical thought, it acts on the Qi (pronounced chee ) which circulates in the body through the meridians . Needles inserted in the skin surface stimulates specific acupuncture points to regulate the Qi and physiological functions, organic and psychic targeted. In Western terms, we could say that it helps to strengthen the processes of self-regulation and healing that are normally in motion when the body undergoes an attack (caused by a virus, stress, injury, etc.).. There is a detailed map of acupuncture points and meridians as well as their role to restore the health and balance of the patient.

According to TCM, the acupuncture can treat, often in tandem with other practices, a variety of "imbalances" related, among others, musculoskeletal system ( arthritis , tendonitis , bursitis), respiratory ( bronchitis , asthma ), gastrointestinal tract (kidney, diarrhea ), nervous system ( depression , stress ), etc.. It also helps to relieve various common ailments ( headaches , colds , nausea), but it can not cure certain serious diseases or correct genetic defects.

The acupuncture could also play an important role in the prevention of disease. Maximizing the functional activity of the viscera and the movement of substances , it would balance all body systems. This would result in preventing the disease find fertile ground to implement.

If you are not familiar with the concepts Chinese energy , see our fact sheet on Traditional Chinese Medicine that will give you a good overview of the fundamental principles on which are based the acupuncture and TCM.

The first consultation
At the first visit to the acupuncturist , do not expect to see him appear needles in hands with a smirk ... Acupuncture is a highly elaborate and methodical discipline, based on thousands of years of practice. First, the therapist assesses the state of health of the person and detects its energy imbalances. To do this, it uses the observation , the palpations and questionnaires detailed. It may ask you or even climates the flavors you prefer - additional clues to corroborate his assessment. It takes note of your medical history and your characteristics (height, weight, complexion, breathing rhythm, tone of voice, movement, emotion, etc.).. It examines the pulse and tongue, listening to the sounds of the stomach, body odors and is auscultates sore spots associated meridians.

Tingling deep relaxation
In general, the treatment effect of acupuncture is relaxing. Even if the needles are, at first sight, uninspiring, they are rarely wrong. They are only 3 times bigger than a human hair and are designed to fit into the skin without resistance. Typically, the acupuncturist uses needles 1 to 15, it leaves on different points for 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the problem at hand. We compare the sensation caused by the needle to a mosquito bite. But sometimes it is more pronounced, ranging from tingling to numbness light or an electric shock. Usually, these sensations last time, however, that insertion of the needle. In fact, some people fall asleep during the session!

There is not the needles
To enhance the effects of treatment, acupuncturists may use complementary processes. They can, for example, print movements rotation needles for amplifying stimulation. For more details, see our section 101 Chinese medicine.

- The moxibustion is to apply, on the needles or above the acupuncture points, the heat generated by combustion of a cone or a stick of moxa (mugwort), dried grass.
- The Ba Guan Zi are suckers that are fixed on a point or is dragged along a meridian.
- The Pi Fu Zhen , also called plum blossom resembles a small hammer with needles which strikes the surface lightly to the skin.
- The electrostimulation can apply a mild electrical current to the needles. It is often used to combat pain. But it is also used when you want to get stronger stimulation than that obtained by simple manipulation of needles.
- There are different schools of thought in acupuncture . Koreans, for example, insert the needles only the hands and feet, while other acupuncturists implanting only in the ears, especially when it comes to treating addictive disorders. In Japan, the traditional approach is to stimulate energy points more by touch ( acupressure ) with needles. Practice is constantly evolving and new styles emerge regularly.

If the sight of a needle makes you dizzy, acupuncture laser (which uses laser light directed precisely) could be an attractive alternative. This technique is particularly useful to people whose treatment requires prolonged stimulation and with children .

A long journey to the West
The Chinese medicine have been born 6000 years ago. It was the Jesuits who were the first to have brought Chinese writings on acupuncture at the end of the XVII th century. At the beginning of XIX th century France, the great names of medicine became interested. It is, however, under the leadership of Georges Soulie de Morant (1878-1955), Consul of France in Beijing for more than 12 years, acupuncture took a considerable growth in Europe from the 1920s.

In Quebec, acupuncture has gradually been introduced through European practitioners. It is a profession officially recognized since 1985. In the United States it was not until 1972 that the approach has caught the attention of the public in the wake of President Nixon's historic visit to China. In 1997, acupuncture has been officially recognized as a therapeutic option for safe and effective in the treatment of certain conditions at a conference organized by the National Institutes of Health U.S..

Therapeutic applications of acupuncture
Evaluate the acupuncture based on objective criteria and reproducible modern Western science has proved far disappointing process. The main reasons for this state of affairs are the difficulties of "standardization" of the disease, the overall effect rather than specific acupuncture, methodological problems of placebo acupuncture, the multiplicity of techniques and schools of thought the lack of funding, the fact that the majority of studies are published in Asian languages ​​and the low quality of much research. Several papers have also been published on this subject. For more details, see the article Acupuncture: the challenges of assessment "Western".

There is therefore a gap between what the acupuncture claims to treat, particularly in China and Japan, and has been evaluated so far in the context of scientific studies meet Western standards.

Counter the nausea and vomiting associated with surgery and chemotherapy.since 1997, several research groups and committees concluded that the effectiveness of acupuncture for these uses, compared to placebo treatment.

Regarding nausea and vomiting post-surgery , the results are particularly well established. In 2008, a systematic review of 15 randomized clinical trials including 1,166 subjects, showed a significant decrease in the risk of nausea, vomiting and use of antivomitif following acupuncture treatment. In addition, a greater reduction in pain post-surgery was observed 8 and 72 hours after surgery in the acupuncture group compared with the control group.

Treat migraine. A systematic review published in 2009 and revised in 2011, has evaluated the effectiveness of acupuncture for treating migraine . Twenty-two randomized trials including 4419 subjects were included. The researchers concluded that acupuncture was as effective as conventional pharmacological treatments, while causing less harmful side effects. She also prove a useful adjunct to conventional treatments.

Dentistry: analgésier and postoperative pain relief . Acupuncture is widely used in dentistry and can be used as a primary or supplementary analgesic treatment. Results of randomized trials of its analgesic effects against pain post-surgery were positive. A systematic review of 16 controlled trials demonstrating a clear majority of positive results.
Moreover, according to the results of a systematic review of 14 randomized trials, acupuncture is effective for treating temporomandibular disorders.

Relieve pain epicondylalgia side (tennis elbow). Although acupuncture is widely used to relieve pain associated with various joint disorders , until recently the scientific data do not allow to rule on its effectiveness for treating ' epicondylalgia ( tennis elbow). However, in 2004, the authors of a systematic review of six randomized clinical trials involving a total of 282 patients found that acupuncture was effective in relieving pain associated with epicondylalgia side.

Relieve nausea and vomiting, especially those associated with pregnancy . The antiemetic general (against nausea and vomiting) of acupuncture is widely shown. More specifically, a randomized placebo-controlled conducted with 36 pregnant women showed that it was effective during pregnancy.

Relieve menstrual pain . In 2011, a meta-analysis of six clinical trials concluded that acupuncture relieves pain more effectively than did placebo, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or Chinese herbs 31 . However, the authors are cautious in their conclusions and believe that more studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of this approach. National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States 2 and the World Health Organization (WHO) recognize that there is some evidence of the effectiveness of acupuncture in relieving menstrual pain .

The World Health Organization (WHO) published in 2002 a list of conditions for which acupuncture was likely to be effective This list was based on controlled clinical studies identified in the literature. More than 300 systematic reviews have been published since that time.They identified new conditions for which acupuncture may be effective, but it has been scientifically established beyond any doubt.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Acupuncture: the challenges of assessment "Western"

Acupuncture picture

Evaluation of acupuncture based on the criteria of Western science has been until now a considerable challenge. Many scientific articles have been published on this subject. We discussed the situation with Manny Pascal , Professor, Department of Acupuncture Rosemont College, and Denis Umbriaco , acupuncturist, Doctor of Neurological Sciences and founding member of the Scientific Committee of the Association of Acupuncturists of Quebec.

Here are the main reasons behind the low number of studies published confirming the efficacy of acupuncture for relatively few conditions.

The difficult standardization
For Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there is no standardized disease as in conventional medicine where cause is isolated viral, bacterial or otherwise, we are trying to eradicate. In TCM , it treats the individual and not the disease. Thus, two people with flu like and apparently caused by the same virus will not necessarily be treated in the same way. Indeed, a person may have been victim of the virus due to cooling and the other due to a weakened immune system, for example. And a third, having been exposed to exactly the same virus, has successfully fought without even being noticed.

Thus, since for the MTC there is no standardized flu , we can apply a standard treatment to hundreds of people with the "same" flu to draw statistical results. In addition, the application of personalized treatment to each patient contrary to the principles of the "objective" assessment of a single treatment, which is the basis of scientific protocols Western. Hence the difficulty of designing studies that do justice to the fundamental principles of TCM while satisfying the criteria of scientific research.

Action baggy
Drugs and western medicine interventions are generally designed to cause a specific action and specific pathogen on a particular organ or function. The effect is direct and relatively easy to measure.

The acupuncture is more holistically and often indirect. To fight a virus, for example, the intervention of acupuncture will help to mobilize the vital force of the person or to stimulate its immune system . It is through this enhanced healing ability of the virus can be fought and that the balance will be restored.

Healing is not only due to the direct action of a drug or treatment, but is also a function of a set of physical and psychological factors (fitness, vitality, state stress , diet, quality of sleep , depressed or optimistic character, etc.).. We understand it is difficult to evaluate the specific role of acupuncture as it is often the trigger of a very complex process.

It's a bit like Western medicine lingered separately to each of the instruments of an orchestra, or strings of a violin, one by one, while the MTC taking into account especially the conductor or orchestra as a whole.

Placebo effect?
In Western science, it is very important to compare a real treatment with placebo (similar but inert) to determine the distinctive action of the real treatment. Despite many efforts in this direction (needle shallow, fake needles, bad acupuncture points), a sham treatment of acupuncture truly inert and effect does not seem to have been found 2 . Indeed, in many studies, real acupuncture treatments gave comparable results (or higher ) to conventional treatment, but were only slightly better than "fake" acupuncture treatments. For many researchers, this demonstrates that fake treatments are not really inert. The mixed results of several studies may be indicative of a methodological problem rather than therapeutic ineffectiveness of acupuncture.

All kinds of acupuncture
There are many forms of acupuncture (Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc..) and each comes in several schools of thought or style. In addition, training of acupuncturists can vary greatly from one place to another. It is therefore difficult to determine objectively the quality of therapeutic interventions. This lack of standardization makes it particularly dangerous comparisons between different studies.

In addition, most research scientists evaluate acupuncture from a fixed protocol, limited to puncture some predetermined points without considering the characteristics of each patient. This is not representative of how to actually practice acupuncture.

Lack of research funds
Research quality is very expensive, and acupuncture can lead to the marketing of products or treatments patentable. Because of this, apart from government agencies, few companies are willing to invest in such studies. In addition, there are still relatively few funds dedicated to education and academic research in acupuncture and TCM. But the situation tends to improve, particularly in the United States.

The number of studies is limited and they are often more or less good quality. Moreover, a finding that is frequently found in the following summaries of their studies or critical analysis is that it should make more high quality studies ... However, thanks to the creation of new standards for research (CONSORT stricta and, for example), it seems that the quality actually improves recent years 6 .

This is the Chinese
Many studies are written in Asian languages ​​(Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese), but few have been translated into English. In addition, the cultural differences that often are not considered valid by the Western scientific community.

The right questions?
As noted by a group of researchers, the reviews that conclude that "acupuncture studies provide no evidence of its effectiveness for valid any affection whatsoever " face the full brunt of the positive results observed yet daily around the world. They ask if we ask really good questions, including taking at all costs to create a placebo acupuncture . And it would not be more important to look primarily at how acupuncture compared with other conventional treatments.

See document Acupuncture

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Therapeutic Applications of Brainwave Synchronization

Brainwave Synchronization

Until now, little scientific research has evaluated the synchronization of brain waves as a therapeutic tool. Some, however, have attempted to evaluate its ability to counter anxiety or decrease analgesia during surgery.

Reduce anxiety. During 2007, a pilot study has evaluated the effect of synchronization of brain waves in the management of stress and the anxiety . For 60 days, 1 time per day, 8 healthy subjects listened to a soundtrack composed of binaural beats combined with imitating sounds of rain and bells. Of psychological changes positive were observed at the end of the study. A decrease in anxious behavior ( trait anxiety ) was found among participants.This suggests an improvement in the perception and management of stress and anxiety in general.

These results support those published in 2001 by a Montreal clinic evaluating subjects with mild levels of anxiety . The researchers found that the anxiety level of participants before and after the viewing was spent on average 41% to 21%. These results show that the synchronization technique could also be useful in cases of mild anxiety. However, it is impossible to conclude with certainty the effectiveness of therapy, because too few studies have been conducted to date.

Reduce preoperative anxiety and reduce analgésiants. synchronization of brain waves has been the subject of several randomized clinical trials in the context of surgery . In one of them, published in 2007, 20 patients have been listening for 20 to 60 minutes before surgery, a soundtrack composed of binaural beats or the music of their choice . The researchers observed decreases of anxiety preoperatively in the 2 groups, but more significantly in the group with binaural beats.

Four other studies using this technique during surgery were recorded . Both of these indicate that patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia with listening to music and binaural beats require less anesthesia than patients in control group . For cons, the other 2 were not found significant differences between the groups .

Synchronization of brain waves in practice
It is easily found on the market records with music or nature sounds naturally generate wavesalpha conducive to relaxation . There are also, but this is less common records in which we integrated sounds alpha or beta for the specific purpose of inducing a state of relaxation orconcentration . These records because they do not contain binaural beats can be heard without headphones, just released by a stereo. Generally, the program follows a progression to bring the pace brain wave at the desired frequency in 30 or 40 minutes.

This type of product is also available in computerized version for broadcast on the computer while you work (preferably a version for concentration rather than relaxation ...).

Appliances that combine binaural beats sound effects and flashing lights are not as among practitioners or on the Internet. They are known under the general name of audiovisual stimulators or Mind Machines . One device can offer several programs - relaxation, creativity, concentration, etc.. Some massage centers, spas or floating baths offer sessions using these devices. A session usually lasts 30 minutes.

The Monroe Institute and the people who have been trained sessions offer up to 6 days with much more elaborate equipment whose purpose is the development of emotional , mental or spiritual(expansion of consciousness), and improved of health

Note: hypertext links to other sites are not updated continuously. It is possible that a link becomes missing. Then please use the search tools to find the desired information.

Biocybernaut Institute. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
Brain Waves ("40Hz") Research. Neuroscience Consortium , The University of Birmingham.[Accessed 18 January 2010].
Alternative Health Centre. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
nstitute Monroe. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
Monroe Institute Québec. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
Meta Relaxation. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
PubMed, National Library of Medicine. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
Michel Saint-Germain. Machines meditate Guide Resources , Canada, 1992.
Deep Sleep. Midi-Plus Consultants . [Accessed 18 January 2010].
research techniques in functional anatomy: the electroencephalogram. Université Laval .[Accessed 18 January 2010].
1. Meta-Relaxation. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
2. Towards a psycho-civilized society? Collective against abuse due to psycho-technologies (CAPT) . [Accessed 18 January 2010].
3. Monroe Institute website. [Accessed 18 January 2010].
4. Applications for Our Educational Materials, Monroe Institute . [Accessed 18 January 2010]
6. Wahbeh H, Calabrese C, Zwickey H. Binaural beat technology in humans: a pilot study psychology and physiology for Assessment to effects . J Altern Complement Med . 2007, 13 (1) :25-32.
7. The Scouarnec PR, Poirier RM, et al . Use of binaural beat tapes for treatment of anxiety: a pilot study of tape preference and outcomes . Altern Ther Health Med . 2001 Jan, 7 (1) :58-63
8. Drop E, M Allan, Laws D. A pilot study of anxiety reduction by Comparing binaural beat audio and patient-selected music in the pre-operative period . Anaesthesia. 2007, 62 (3): 310.
9. Lewis AK, Osborn IP, Roth R. The effect of Hemispheric synchronization on intraoperative analgesia . Anesth Analg . 2004 Feb, 98 (2) :533-6
10. Kliempt P, Ruta D, et al . falling on Hemispheric-synchronization anesthesia: a double-blind randomized trial using audiotapes for intra-operative nociception control . Anaesthesia . 1999 Aug; 54 (8) :769-73.
11. Padmanabhan R, Hildreth AJ, Laws D. A prospective, randomized, controlled study examining binaural beat audio and pre-operative anxiety in patients Undergoing general anesthesia for day case surgery . Anaesthesia . 2005, 60 (9) :874-7.
12. Dabu-Bondoc S, Drummond-Lewis J, and l. Hemispheric synchronized sounds and intraoperative anesthetic Requirements . Anesth Analg . 2003 Sep; 97 (3) :772-5.